We consider our people to be our most valuable assets, and we firmly believe that all incidents and accidents are preventable. Our goal is clear: zero incidents and zero accidents, ensuring a workplace where safety is a shared responsibility.
This goal is supported by DRI’s Safety Principles and Lifesaving Rules, which serve as the foundation of our safety culture. We adopt a caring, coaching, and collaborative approach to eliminate risk, focusing on proactive measures that protect both our people and our operations.
Every employee, including our subcontractors, is expected to fully embrace these principles and lifesaving rules, taking them to heart and mind.
Total recordable incident rate
Jan-Oct 2024
Lost time injuries frequency rate
Jan-Oct 2024

- Everyone has a responsibility to themselves and others to act and work safely.
- We carefully plan our work to prevent unsafe situations.
- We will always look after one another because we care.
- We believe in a culture where people are expected to be open and honest.
- We expect our contractors to confirm to DRI’s standards and to set common safety goals.
- We continuously learn and share knowledge.

- I am responsible for my own safety; I keep myself and my colleagues safe.
- I am informed about risk & control measures.
- I approach others about working safely because I care.
- I accept feedback about my safety behaviour because others care about my safety.
- I act in case of unsafe operations, if required I stop the work.
- I report unsafe situations, incidents and near-misses and learn from it.
By working together and staying committed to our safety standards, we strive to create an environment where everyone can go home safe and sound every day. The following case studies illustrate these efforts in practice.

In July 2024, during construction work at the Glodeni II solar park in Romania, an unexploded ordnance (UXO) from World War II was discovered. Work was immediately halted and the UXO was safely removed by the authorities. To ensure the safety of its employees, DRI promptly hired a specialist company to survey the area for additional hazards, which resulted in the discovery and removal of a second UXO. These proactive measures ensured the safety of DRI workers.

In April 2024, DRI, together with our maintenance partner and local authorities, conducted an emergency drill at the Ruginoasa wind turbines in Romania to test the new Emergency Response Team (EMT) structure. The scenario simulated a fire at one of the turbines, with maintenance partner’s dispatch centre immediately alerting the emergency services and local fire engines and ambulances quickly arriving on site. The exercise was well coordinated, with seamless communication between teams via the dedicated app, and successfully confirmed the effectiveness of the new EMT structure in handling emergencies.

“Our collaborative efforts ensure a safe working environment for all, where compliance is not just a requirement, but a shared responsibility.”